Monday, August 10, 2009

Open mic Monday

So, fellow journalists, what's frustrating you today about our business? Let's talk about it.

Post topics here or join another discussion under a previous entry.

Let the conversation flow.


  1. Chime in from an ex-newspaper press man...I was in the industry for 30 plus years and know a lot of journalists. What see in newsrooms is in fighting with the labor unions and elitist attitudes. Cilques with in the ranks, massive layoffs that have created thousands of job losses and the media looks the other way. Their "unbiased reporting of the president and his actions further frusterates the readers. The media has taken the first step to the President's health plan and had a Frontal "Obotomy". They agree with everything the Pres. says afraid of any backlash if they defy the Pres or roport the REAL news. Get back to the basics and what you saw when you first got the journalism bug.

  2. It's frustrating how leaving the newspaper business gives you very little to offer any other industry.

    Not very many jobs out there outside of newspapers for people who can report, paginate, edit or be generally nosy.

    I've actually seen job advertisements that specifically discourage reporters and editors from applying.

    "No journalists, Irish."
